Friday, February 25, 2011


To my opinion  I rate my education a 7. That is because i did learn but to reach to a high number i don't think i did. It's not just my teachers faults it's also there was times where i slacked off because i didn't realize how of a good thing it would've been if i would've let myself be taught what was right in front of me. I think no one is really prepared for their next step in life because to reach good your probably going to struggle but i could be more prepared than I am. I also have confeidence because it's always just up to you to succeed in your career or whatever your going to do after you graduate. I did have some good teachers throughout my years but i didn't always take advantage of it i think i completely realize my good teachers this year thats why right now I'm actually trying to learn what teachers try to educate me with.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Discussion Reflection on Islamic Cultural Center in NYC

I thought this discussion was a really good one because a lot of people got into it and were very passionate about it. At first i was more in the middle but later on after hearing everyone else's ideas on it i saw how it would be kind of wrong for them to put a mosque there by the world trade center. It's nothing against religion for me because I'm pretty strong on my religion and i wouldn't want anyone to take away my beliefs of my god. That's not the case though it's about how their religion has lead them to kill and how some said that was the reason for 9/11 incident. I just don't see why it has to be so close to the world trade center it's just sad and disrespectful to those who lost someone from 9/11.If it were to happen it wouldn't be the worst but i see that a lot of people don't feel right about it but there shouldn't be any violence or anything like that against it that's just not right. Our class discussion was very enthusiastic and hopefully there is more like these for our next ones.

Friday, February 11, 2011

<a href="" 
          title="Wordle: Untitled"><img
          alt="Wordle: Untitled"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>
Education-Is what Obama is trying to give to everyone and we should except it.
Love- What we should be giving to others and ourselves to stop the poverty.
Honor-Honor in those who died at the Tusan shooting and those who died for those who died for others.
Respect-To all the families of the people that died. They are grieving so they should be respected.
Jobs-Obama is trying to give people all jobs to those who have lost them these past few years.
Immigration-Obama is trying to stop so much immigration deportation. He's trying to help them out more.
Economics-Is what we are handling to figure out how to get out of these economic problems.
State- The state just have gotten new laws that are coming in and are enforcing at this time.
Unity-Is what we should be having as the United States to become stronger.
Death-Is alot what has been happening throughout time but recently the Tusan shooting that Obama brings up.
Sad-Is what some people are feeling because of deaths, deportation, and lost of jobs.
Hurting-Is what the people with sudden deaths of a known person are feeling.
Unfair-It's unfair how people have to take innocent people's life away because of their crazy actions.
Recognition-To all the teacher because to Obama they are helping the U.S. grow with knowledge.
Strength-Is what we need to make the U.S. better as one.
Working Together-This is to help make an impact.
Clapping-People do that a lot in the State of Union.
Expectations-Is what we have towards Obama since he is promising so much.
Challenges-Is what were going to have through out the years
Politics-Is what people care about a lot but they shouldn't take it so serious.
Health Care- Obama is trying to give health care to everyone with exceptions to attend everyone no matter what.
Industry-The industry is trying to get better by expanding it.
The People-Obama is talking to the people to persuade them to be better and give to their country to make it better.
Growing-Our country is growing by education and unity with the help of strong Americans that are helping everyday is some ways everyday.
Work Together-We need to work together for progress to happen or else were not going anymore.
Tomorrow-Is important because tomorrow is what were focused on to change things like health care and immigration.
Recession-Obama is trying to fix the recession that is occurring and it is helping because throughout time it is getting better.
Democrats & Republicans-Are against each others opinions but Obama talks about uniting them more.
Progress-Is what is happening right now though out the country and that is what this speech is about is to plan to make progress.
Economy-The economy needs some changes and that is what Obama is talking about that he wants to do.For example by giving more jobs and that will help the economy.
Paychecks-Obama is trying to give more paychecks to those in need of it.
Productive-Is what Obama needs to be to make all the changes that he says he wants to make. So far he's been pretty productive to my opinion.
entrepreneur-Obama talks about them and how they are helping the economy get better.
Future-The future is what is mostly important in the speech because that is what we need to make better with bringing in the troops and other things like future universal health care.
Discipline-Parents need to discipline their kids to do their homework instead of watching television because alot of kids now a days don't have parents that push them.
Learning-Is what the teachers are giving to their students and Obama is appreciating that because to him that is a big role in a kids life.
No child left behind-Obama is trying to make that big this year so every student graduates and the amount of drop outs decrease.
Teachers-Obama talks how they are very important and he explains why it would be something very helpful for the United States.
Technology-Obama wants to make better technology like for instance being able to see your doctor through your computer at home.
Diplomas-Obama wants more diplomas to be given this year instead of so many drop outs.
College-He wants for every graduate to go to college because he wants people to get their careers in life.
Humor-Obama tries to put humor in his speech to set the mood happier.
South Korea-Teachers are known as nation builders.
Financial Crisis- Trying to boot it out this year.
Rewards-Is what Obama wants to give to those that have helped our country like teachers, doctors, etc.
The young people-Is who Obama is trying to reach out to because they are the future of our country.
History-History shouldn't repeat itself.
Iraqi Troops-In this July a lot of them will shipped back home this year because the war is coming to an end.
Different Races-Is what the United States is filled of that's why were so diverse and it's a good thing.
Peace and Prosperity-Obama will build new partnership and forge new alliances around the globe. 
Diversity- Obama is saying that no one will be forbidden to serve their country for their beliefs or who they love.