Friday, February 25, 2011


To my opinion  I rate my education a 7. That is because i did learn but to reach to a high number i don't think i did. It's not just my teachers faults it's also there was times where i slacked off because i didn't realize how of a good thing it would've been if i would've let myself be taught what was right in front of me. I think no one is really prepared for their next step in life because to reach good your probably going to struggle but i could be more prepared than I am. I also have confeidence because it's always just up to you to succeed in your career or whatever your going to do after you graduate. I did have some good teachers throughout my years but i didn't always take advantage of it i think i completely realize my good teachers this year thats why right now I'm actually trying to learn what teachers try to educate me with.

1 comment:

  1. This needs to go on my blog under the comments section. Not a big deal, but just an FYI.
