Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reflection on immigration discussion

This discussion was a pretty good one people got heated up but that's a good thing. It all of a sudden started becoming into something about race though but in a way i understand because when it comes to immigration it highlights on certain races. It was mostly based on how immigrants are known as doing wrong but at the same time they do so much for this country by doing jobs that regular Americans wouldn't want to do. Sometimes they're set as criminals but all they're looking for is a job to support their families. Also sometimes when an immigrant does something wrong on the news it's like it's because they're an immigrant but at the same time any type of person could be doing that same crime it's just the person themselves that make that decision. All though we make as if the government hates immigrants at the same time they're kind of contradicting because even though they want them out they still give good benefits for them like in state college tuition benefits. It's like some immigrants can stay here with no worries but some get kicked out it wonders me why certain immigrants are picked to leave this country and some aren't.

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