Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today in Riverside

Me and my mom were driving by riverwalk and we see a bunch of cars just overcrowding the street where the entrances are. I'm pretty confused because it was alot of people and we just see new reporter cars outside but not that many cops on the street so it's kind of hard to notice what the deal is about. Then later i find out that 2 people were shot inside of riverwalk by a shooter that died too shot by an officer.  The reason for the shooting has not yet been figured out and it's just weird to me for that to had happened in Riverwalk because it's like one of the nicest neighborhoods around us. Also that other incident that happened with the little girl being tooken out of her apartment when she was only 9 years old and was raped, which was also here in riverside. These things are just to show us that the world is being more and more corrupt everyday even if it seems places where these things would ever happen.

Barrie, Steven.RIVERSIDE: Police probe shootings of 3 in Riverwalk area. The Press-Enterprise. May 10, 2011.

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