Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Why a Nerd?

Reading this caught my attention because i do remember in Middle School and even High School who were the popular kids and who were the nerds.For some reason it's always the smart kids that are the nerds but it's not that the popular kids envy the smart kids which are the nerds because if that was the case than the nerds would also be in a high position in the social world. Being smart really doesn't have to do with a nerd being unpopular but it's always the smart one's that aren't popular. To be realistic everyone in school wants to be popular and it's not a good feeling to be rejected that's why some kids have actually committed suicide. A statistic says that anAmerican teenager may work 365 days out of the year to be popular. I can totally believe that because i see how important it is for some kids to be popular everyday. To be compeletly honest i know at a point in my years of school I've wanted to be popular. There is never going to a satisfying level of being popular I think because even the most popular person may feel some what rejected in some way. I think through the years but mostly this year is that it's waist of time to want to be popular because i rather be with friends that like me for who I am and i can act however I feel like that and because of that I think i got more friends out of that to when i was actually trying back in the days. Well now it doesn't really matter anymore because high school is ending already and all that popularity crap is not going to matter in the real world.  It won't put you in any higher place because of it.

Blackwell, Trevor. "why nerds are unpopular". Paulgraham. February 2003.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bacteria with Earth Life

At a point i guess all that existed was bacteria before plants, animals, or any existing thing had existed. Then because of climate change through out the years the first ice age was made. This ice age seemed to almost extinguish all life off Earth cause all because of bacteria. Somehow grass helped out this situation and helped oxygen to be in the picture more. This oxygen helped to keep the earth warm.

Bellows, Alan. How bacteria almost destroyed all life. DamnInteresting. 28 August 2008.

Baby Albert in Psychology

This article talks about how psychology has to do why someone might be scared or has a phobia against something they don't know why they are when they're older. This man had seen that this baby was scared of a white dog so he used other white furry things to scare this baby. He used this white rat to scare the baby since it was really young in some way as in the baby hurting itself from being scared of the rat. Now later it came to be that he was also scared of other white furry things like a dog or some cotton. He was going to heal his fear by "re-conditioning" but he never did to the lack of time. So the poor baby stayed with his phobia and not knowing why of it.

Bellows, Allan. Doctor Watson's Phobia Facotry. DamnInteresting. 18 September 2008.


First if all this article talks about how in 1988 these two psychologists wrote about how people tend to think positive thoughts everyday about what's happeneing and the future that aren't so realistic. It's a way to help our self-estem to function a normal day. It's kind of sad but there was a study on people with eating disorders to rate themselves and then have other people rate themselves on their physical appreance. The sad part was that normal people with no disorders had to do the same and studies came out to be that the people with the eating disorders were around the same rating as the other people rating them. So i guess this shows how negative people that see the bad in themselves are people that are more realistic than the people having high or regular self-esteem because they just try to make themselves happy. This is kind of an article that puts you down but at the same time i can see where an everyday person tries to find the positive thing in their lives even though it's not always true but i don't always see the bad in that.

Putnam, Christopher S. A Total Perspective Vortex. DamnInteresting. 16 January 2009.

Unique Abortion

Well this article was about an abortion that this girl had named Denise. To make the story shorter this girl when she was 15 was raped more than once by her father. She had then became pregnant and when her parents took her to the doctors one day when she got really sick they wanted her to get an abortion. Denise's decision was to not have an abortion and go against her parents choice but in this situation it wasn't the point because they had someone to but her to sleep while they did the abortion against her will. She still grieves on her child's death because it was a murder that wasn't right which is why she writes about it. This story to me was something unique that i have never read before. You think that every woman that has an abortion is a bad person but in this case it's a different kind of abortion.This makes me wonder how many other cases are there out there that are like this one. It was even brave for her to have wanted to keep this child even after it was a rape child consumed. That to me makes this woman really strong in many ways.

Kalasky, Denise. Abortion:The great incest cover-up..Ayoung mother's story. Take the Red Pill.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Minute-by-minute: The operation to get bin Laden

This article is talking about how they killed Osama Bin Laden. First of all his mansion had no phone connections or anything like that. Also they had they're trash burned for it not to be collected this shows they were smart and sneaky with hiding this man. Some reports they said he reached for his weapon and some said he wasn't even armed. I don't even know what's true now but from this article it states that with some intterogation tactics with in other words is torture they got information from Mohammed succession Abu Faraj al-Libi in some prisons in Poland and Romania.

Today in Riverside

Me and my mom were driving by riverwalk and we see a bunch of cars just overcrowding the street where the entrances are. I'm pretty confused because it was alot of people and we just see new reporter cars outside but not that many cops on the street so it's kind of hard to notice what the deal is about. Then later i find out that 2 people were shot inside of riverwalk by a shooter that died too shot by an officer.  The reason for the shooting has not yet been figured out and it's just weird to me for that to had happened in Riverwalk because it's like one of the nicest neighborhoods around us. Also that other incident that happened with the little girl being tooken out of her apartment when she was only 9 years old and was raped, which was also here in riverside. These things are just to show us that the world is being more and more corrupt everyday even if it seems places where these things would ever happen.

Barrie, Steven.RIVERSIDE: Police probe shootings of 3 in Riverwalk area. The Press-Enterprise. May 10, 2011.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Navy Seals

This video that i watched about the navy seals called team six. They are in water, fly through air, through land and just so much that does alot for our country. They have to learn how to survive how to be in artic cold ocean. Out of all the navy seals 75% of them don't make it to be one. Their techniques are crazy to me like being able to be under water with out breathing for two minutes without blowing any bubbles. They're put out as super heros and i think that's a good way to put it because they can do so much that almost seems impossible for  a human being to do. I just don't know what kind of mentailty they have to put themselves to be these people in these situations. It's crazy to be these people but it's really brave.

Friday, May 6, 2011


This article talks about how immigrant hispanics are becoming less stress because before they were the one's with higher risks of bad health which included African Americans too. Studies show that Hispanic born in America are more stressed than the ones that are immigrants and to me that's ironic. Stress seems to not have anything to do with race but studies have shown that African Americans have the most stress. The reason for immigrants not being so stressed is because of stronger social support and their positive outlook on their opportunites.

Hudson, William."Study:Immigrant Hispanics less stressed, healthier".The Chart. May 5,2011

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

This article that i read talks about how Obama did the work that Bush couldn't but was it really because of him or just the timing was when he is in office? I don't really see this action stopping this war and having all the troops come back. Al qaeda is still be taking action to what they do but it could weaken them who knows. Bush states that "No matter how long it takes, justice will be done" in many ways Bin Laden dieing is way of closure for the people that lost loved ones on September 11 and that makes perfect sense to me because he was the main reason what happened. Seeing on the news how many people are where the trade center was at and the people outside the white house just proves it. Now I'm just waiting for the pictures of him to come out that's something i really want to see.,0,4437819.story

Reflection on immigration discussion

This discussion was a pretty good one people got heated up but that's a good thing. It all of a sudden started becoming into something about race though but in a way i understand because when it comes to immigration it highlights on certain races. It was mostly based on how immigrants are known as doing wrong but at the same time they do so much for this country by doing jobs that regular Americans wouldn't want to do. Sometimes they're set as criminals but all they're looking for is a job to support their families. Also sometimes when an immigrant does something wrong on the news it's like it's because they're an immigrant but at the same time any type of person could be doing that same crime it's just the person themselves that make that decision. All though we make as if the government hates immigrants at the same time they're kind of contradicting because even though they want them out they still give good benefits for them like in state college tuition benefits. It's like some immigrants can stay here with no worries but some get kicked out it wonders me why certain immigrants are picked to leave this country and some aren't.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I felt like blogging about this because lately I've been eating alot of fast food and it's really hard to stop. Mostly when it's senior year and everyone during lunch or during 6th period wants to go eat it's just tempting. In what i was reading i saw that 1 in 4 Americans eat fast good everyday and every year we spend about 110 billion on fast food. Another fact is that french fries are the most eaten vegetable here in the U.S. That is just really ridiculous because if other countries aren't so dependent on fast food than why can't we. We're always put at the top because of how great we are and have so much power but even the poorest countries have better atributes than us they don't do such harm to their bodies as we do. It's all these influences that we have that we eat such bad things when we go out to eat. Also it leads up with laziness because some people just don't like to cook at their houses because they come too tired from work or whatever their excuse is. I have no room to talk because in my house we eat so much fast food because making food isn't so common and through out the years there are more and more excuses to buy fast foods. That is why 60% of Americans are obese.

continuation to my response about the internet video

Today watching the video during government class it was about the internet and how it affects teenagers at this time. It causes affects at school and at house holds. You would think that all kids would understand the dangers but there are still victims being affected til this day. For example in one of the cases a thirteen year old kid killed himself because of all the verbal abuse at school and on the internet. That just shows that how serious things are of real life as in on the internet that is not face to face. It also  gives comfort to those with low self esteem. In those ways it brings to them doing things that are just disrespecting themselves like the girl posting really revealing pictures on the internet. I think more parents should take action with what their children are doing on the internet. Maybe having the computer out in the open would be safer but once they get older they can be trusted with a computer to them selves. I was also shocked to see how internet has affected kids in their education. You would think that new technology like this would be helping out students but at the same time its making them be use to fast response and learn things an easier way. That's probably why the test scored and students grades have not been improving so good throughout the U.S.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Child abuse

Child abuse is 15 percent more of a chance to happen in a household if adult abuse is also happening. In this article it talks about how sometimes the child gets abuse because of the intended abuse of the mother. Sometimes children are just the the target of the household to get abused. I think that since the child is the weakest they're the easiest to get abused. Sometimes the neglect from the parent to help out is because of the fear of the abuser. When a kid gets a abuse early and don't understand domestic violence they can see violence as the only way to getting one's need. Some kids turn out to be a certain way and not even know why that is but because of their abuse as they were a child. Like for instance in my sociology class we were learning about a little girl that just wanted to kill her brother and her new family that adopted her. What she was doing was because of her father sexually abusing her when she was a baby until her and her brother were taken away. This just show how much child abuse can affect the child at the time and even as they grow up.

McKay, M. M. "The Link between Domestic Violence and Child Abuse:
Assessment and Treatment Considerations", Child Welfare
, Volume IXXIII, No. 1 (1994) pp29-39.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

immigration and emigration

At this point America has been going through a big immigration wave ever since the 1920's. Both parties Democrats and Republicans have said that there needs to be a sweeping change. That is why there's at this time people are being deported. In some ways they are being taken away from their family members are stay here. In this article it points out that the immigration law in Arizona 2010 has yet to be the toughest law for immigration. Although Democrats put forward a way for illegal immigrant students to earn legail status through military or education. There is also another law that wants to be passed which is to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants. Also to limit college access to shorten illegal immigration.
 I think immigration is a big issue in the Unites States but some way that they are trying to control it is not so right to me For instance the law in Arizona is not right to me because your judging a person by how they look by asking for proof of their citizenship because obviously they are not going to ask someone that's caucasian. Through out time it's just going to get worse. If there is already propositions like limiting things for illegal immigrants I think they'll pass through.

Preston, Julia.New York Times.Immigration and Emigration.2 Feb 2011.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gas Prices

Gas prices are very important to Americans and that shows by seeing how much traffic there is on the high ways. Studies say that Americans drive 3 trillion miles each year. Since more usage of gas is used during the summer and holidays because of all the vacation trips the prices are demanded up. Disasters also raise prices like for example when Hurricane Katrina occurred the Price went up to $3.05 in 2005. Prices are like a roller coaster in this country i think because they go up for a while and then go down but it never ends. Since they go up it encourages people to drive less. Also growing demand can outpace refinery capacity. 
I think that the gas prices are always going to be going up and through out time they are just going to get worse. When they are going to lower it's probably not going to be that lower since the high prices are going higher. It's just making the economy worse for the people. 
 Bosner, Kevin. "How Gas Prices Work". How stuff works a discovery company. 2011.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

world conflicts today

Some say that their countries government has made them vulnerable because they support war. There are also people not from Iraq but go there just to plan their terrorist attacks. Iraq reconstructions have been paid through different ways like higher oil costs and more troops needed to stabilize Iraq. It's pretty sad because these soldiers either die, have severe injuries or suffer from PTSD. There's is no just good side of being a soldier it comes with these types of problems. Also most of these soldiers went so they can get their tuition paid but not many of them are getting what they told they were going to get. They must feel pretty betrayed for how much their sacraficing like leaving their families and their lives. The thing is also is that their time is also being extended to more than they promised. If the media doesn't cover some information for the safety of the soldiers I think there must be some not good information that is being kept from us that the soldiers have been going through and that's been proven through time.

"Iraq: Global." World Conflicts Today. ProQuest, 2011. Web. 8 Mar. 2011.

Friday, February 25, 2011


To my opinion  I rate my education a 7. That is because i did learn but to reach to a high number i don't think i did. It's not just my teachers faults it's also there was times where i slacked off because i didn't realize how of a good thing it would've been if i would've let myself be taught what was right in front of me. I think no one is really prepared for their next step in life because to reach good your probably going to struggle but i could be more prepared than I am. I also have confeidence because it's always just up to you to succeed in your career or whatever your going to do after you graduate. I did have some good teachers throughout my years but i didn't always take advantage of it i think i completely realize my good teachers this year thats why right now I'm actually trying to learn what teachers try to educate me with.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Discussion Reflection on Islamic Cultural Center in NYC

I thought this discussion was a really good one because a lot of people got into it and were very passionate about it. At first i was more in the middle but later on after hearing everyone else's ideas on it i saw how it would be kind of wrong for them to put a mosque there by the world trade center. It's nothing against religion for me because I'm pretty strong on my religion and i wouldn't want anyone to take away my beliefs of my god. That's not the case though it's about how their religion has lead them to kill and how some said that was the reason for 9/11 incident. I just don't see why it has to be so close to the world trade center it's just sad and disrespectful to those who lost someone from 9/11.If it were to happen it wouldn't be the worst but i see that a lot of people don't feel right about it but there shouldn't be any violence or anything like that against it that's just not right. Our class discussion was very enthusiastic and hopefully there is more like these for our next ones.

Friday, February 11, 2011

<a href="" 
          title="Wordle: Untitled"><img
          alt="Wordle: Untitled"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>
Education-Is what Obama is trying to give to everyone and we should except it.
Love- What we should be giving to others and ourselves to stop the poverty.
Honor-Honor in those who died at the Tusan shooting and those who died for those who died for others.
Respect-To all the families of the people that died. They are grieving so they should be respected.
Jobs-Obama is trying to give people all jobs to those who have lost them these past few years.
Immigration-Obama is trying to stop so much immigration deportation. He's trying to help them out more.
Economics-Is what we are handling to figure out how to get out of these economic problems.
State- The state just have gotten new laws that are coming in and are enforcing at this time.
Unity-Is what we should be having as the United States to become stronger.
Death-Is alot what has been happening throughout time but recently the Tusan shooting that Obama brings up.
Sad-Is what some people are feeling because of deaths, deportation, and lost of jobs.
Hurting-Is what the people with sudden deaths of a known person are feeling.
Unfair-It's unfair how people have to take innocent people's life away because of their crazy actions.
Recognition-To all the teacher because to Obama they are helping the U.S. grow with knowledge.
Strength-Is what we need to make the U.S. better as one.
Working Together-This is to help make an impact.
Clapping-People do that a lot in the State of Union.
Expectations-Is what we have towards Obama since he is promising so much.
Challenges-Is what were going to have through out the years
Politics-Is what people care about a lot but they shouldn't take it so serious.
Health Care- Obama is trying to give health care to everyone with exceptions to attend everyone no matter what.
Industry-The industry is trying to get better by expanding it.
The People-Obama is talking to the people to persuade them to be better and give to their country to make it better.
Growing-Our country is growing by education and unity with the help of strong Americans that are helping everyday is some ways everyday.
Work Together-We need to work together for progress to happen or else were not going anymore.
Tomorrow-Is important because tomorrow is what were focused on to change things like health care and immigration.
Recession-Obama is trying to fix the recession that is occurring and it is helping because throughout time it is getting better.
Democrats & Republicans-Are against each others opinions but Obama talks about uniting them more.
Progress-Is what is happening right now though out the country and that is what this speech is about is to plan to make progress.
Economy-The economy needs some changes and that is what Obama is talking about that he wants to do.For example by giving more jobs and that will help the economy.
Paychecks-Obama is trying to give more paychecks to those in need of it.
Productive-Is what Obama needs to be to make all the changes that he says he wants to make. So far he's been pretty productive to my opinion.
entrepreneur-Obama talks about them and how they are helping the economy get better.
Future-The future is what is mostly important in the speech because that is what we need to make better with bringing in the troops and other things like future universal health care.
Discipline-Parents need to discipline their kids to do their homework instead of watching television because alot of kids now a days don't have parents that push them.
Learning-Is what the teachers are giving to their students and Obama is appreciating that because to him that is a big role in a kids life.
No child left behind-Obama is trying to make that big this year so every student graduates and the amount of drop outs decrease.
Teachers-Obama talks how they are very important and he explains why it would be something very helpful for the United States.
Technology-Obama wants to make better technology like for instance being able to see your doctor through your computer at home.
Diplomas-Obama wants more diplomas to be given this year instead of so many drop outs.
College-He wants for every graduate to go to college because he wants people to get their careers in life.
Humor-Obama tries to put humor in his speech to set the mood happier.
South Korea-Teachers are known as nation builders.
Financial Crisis- Trying to boot it out this year.
Rewards-Is what Obama wants to give to those that have helped our country like teachers, doctors, etc.
The young people-Is who Obama is trying to reach out to because they are the future of our country.
History-History shouldn't repeat itself.
Iraqi Troops-In this July a lot of them will shipped back home this year because the war is coming to an end.
Different Races-Is what the United States is filled of that's why were so diverse and it's a good thing.
Peace and Prosperity-Obama will build new partnership and forge new alliances around the globe. 
Diversity- Obama is saying that no one will be forbidden to serve their country for their beliefs or who they love.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Women that serve in combat are being sexually assaulted by their own comrades. This is nothing new it was also occurring the Vietnam War also. They are not being respected even though they are fighting for their lives and the U.S. men around them treat them less for their gender and it's not right at all. There were two women that died of dehydration because they were too scared to come out of their base to drink water because they were scared of going out in the dark where men tended to rape women like that. At some points they can't be heard if they're screaming because the loud generators around them. It's sad to know that instead of the male soldiers protecting the females because they're weaker than them instead they're just harming them. Daily the women there are also being sexually harassed or talked to in perverted manners. Also there's not that many people they can turn to because the people that they thought they could are the ones hurting them.

Benedict, Helen. "The Private War of Women Soldiers".Salon Media Group, Inc. 30 January 2011.Web 7 March 2007.

Reflection on Health Care Reform

During our discussion in class there were several different views on the Health Care Reform. Some people were towards it and some were going for how it already is. The way i look it we all Americans should keep trying to get universal health care for those that need it because why not give help to those that live here, it's unfair to just let someone die. We were talking about how some people are scared of change and are paranoid of not being a democracy, but sometimes we need those that are more experienced in knowing how to deal with these things to give them the chance to help us out. In other countries everyone has health care so why can't we live like them and give everyone health care. There isn't that many complaints about it so we should learn from them and try to do what they're doing. Some people were thinking as if why should we have the responsibility to being helping out others and immigrants shouldn't have the right to have health care but once it's someone that you know and care about then it's something thought about and worrysome. We should always be thinking of others because why not care about the people that live around you and are people like yourself. Our discussion was very interesting it brought many good points that I've never thought about it so i liked seeing other points of views.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Opinion on the Tuscan Assassination

After seeing what had happened on that Saturday in Tuscan people were blaming other people but thats what happens sometimes when tragedies happen everyone wants to come to a conclusion of why it happened. This man that assassinated these six people had no right reason to do what he did just because of how republicans and democrats are always bickering on each others opinions doesn't mean someone should try to solve it with violence even less murdering words do more than actions in these cases. I do agree that issues that they have should be toned down though. Some things like health care aren't as bad as people put them like on the media a good amount of our tax money does go to it. Maybe if the government fixed more important things like the fact that people can have guns wherever they go in certain states is not right maybe in one's home to protect what is theirs but in public it can do harm like how that man in Tuscan killed with his gun. If these disapprovals against each other weren't so hatred then maybe other people wouldn't be so fired up to do crazy things like for example Fred Phelps. He goes to extreme levels that are irrational and what is crazy is that it makes so much sense to him and all of his followers. He might think it's right but its just disrespectful and is just making sorrow times like this harder for the families of the ones who past away. Therefore, this government and the people that take these issues to another level should see this tragedy and learn something from it and hopefully tones down peoples actions.

Cody Willards."Must-read articles for every enlightened voter".Interactive Data Real Time Services.13 Jan. 2011.Web.2009.